• Primarily, the members of the Institute shall be serving and retired Defence officers (drawing regular pension only). Membership shall be compulsory for all Defence Serving officers borne on permanent duty with effect from the date of reporting on board Ships/establishments based at Kochi area under the administrative control of Headquarters, Southern Naval Command and such officers shall be full members.
  • Membership may be offered to Class I Defence Civilian Employees, Class I Central/State government officers and officers of PSUs at the discretion of the Management Committee. However, in all such cases President’s or Patron-in-Chief’s approval is mandatory.
  • A limited number of civilian members may be admitted to the Institute at the discretion of the Management Committee. This category of members shall not exceed 10% of the full members under Rule 5.1. However, the said percentage can be exceeded under special consideration by President or Patron-in-Chief.
  • No foreign nationals including those of Indian Origin or those individuals whose spouses hold foreign nationality shall be permitted to be member of the Institute. However, foreign officers undergoing training or on deputation at Naval ships/ establishment at Kochi may be accorded full membership for the period of training/deputation only.

Membership of the Institute shall be granted under the following categories:-
